The Writers Corner has been a water cooler for authors since July 2018. The show is broadcast live so readers are able to engage with the authors in real time. The weekly talk show is 30 minutes long and give you some insight into the author’s journey and/or details about the book you would otherwise not have known. It is a family friendly show and authors range from New York Times Best Selling Authors to debut authors.
Ep #45 "INTIW...Go To India To Witness Sight Restoration Surgery" With Author Genevieve Chornenki
Ep #44 "INTIW...Go Bungee Jumping in South Africa" With Award-Winning Author Sebastien de Castell
Award-Winning Canadian fantasy author Sebastien de Castell talks about writing, his creative process, his first novel that no one will ever read, his band, why FOMO is overrated, accompanying his wife to South Africa conference where he went bungee jumping off the world's longest commercial bungee jump and facing his fears...and his incredible swashbuckling Greatcoat Series.