John Kerry's Reviews > Year of the What?

Year of the What? by Jennifer Lieberman

First of all , I must tell you that I have absolutely nothing against the genre whatsoever (read what you enjoy!), but I generally am not a romantic comedy novel reader; I stick mostly to nonfiction and generally assume most romance novels won't be for me. I got a Instagram recommendation for this book and just on sheer impulse, thought: okay, I'll order- the premise seemed fun and I can use all the light reading I can get these days. I ended up staying up half the night to read the whole thing in one sitting, and really found myself enjoying it. It's snappy and fun writing and pretty much purple-prose-free; I appreciated that the author was very well immersed in the protagonist's voice so nothing felt overwrought.

Overall , Year of the What? by Jennifer Lieberman I devoured this in one day (in-between family gatherings and kids). I couldn't put it down. The relationship between each character and their individual friends is beautiful. The development of their relationship together feels *just so good*. Read if you love romantic comedy genre, if you love New York, if you love sharp and funny banter, if you like a delicious slow burn with a fun twist on some classic tropes, if you're wild for fun sunshine/grumpy books.

I will be excited to see this book climb the bestseller list. I know its going to be a bestseller. Overall, just really fun and I'm so glad I decided to pick this up. Maybe I'm missing out and need to be reading more romantic comedy novels? I guess so!

Highly Recommended!

-John Kerry