Book Review

Literary Titan - 4 Star Book Review

Literary Titan - 4 Star Book Review

I was pleased to find that this book is an empowering story about a character taking control of her life, especially towards the end of the book. Too many times, Dana engaged in sexual acts while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which brought into question whether her judgement was impaired while making decisions that were out of the norm for her. It seemed to me that she was letting things happen to her rather than making conscious choices to forge her own path, and she begins to realize this. As you can tell, I was deeply connected to the character. The fantastic writing makes it easy to form a bond and I was certainly invested.

John Kerry's Reviews > Year of the What?

John Kerry's Reviews > Year of the What?

Overall , Year of the What? by Jennifer Lieberman I devoured this in one day (in-between family gatherings and kids). I couldn't put it down. The relationship between each character and their individual friends is beautiful. The development of their relationship together feels *just so good*. Read if you love romantic comedy genre, if you love New York, if you love sharp and funny banter, if you like a delicious slow burn with a fun twist on some classic tropes, if you're wild for fun sunshine/grumpy books.

Julio Carlos Talks (A Lot) Book Review

Julio Carlos Talks (A Lot) Book Review

An indie, no-fuzz, educational, explicit, fun, politically incorrect podcast about art, history, society, relationships, mental health and personal development, with short and to the point episodes with regular support to indie-writers.

New 5 STAR Review on Amazon and BookBub!

New 5 STAR Review on Amazon and BookBub!

“A masterful, sensual, and humorously entertaining read, author Jennifer Lieberman’s “Year of the What?”, is a must-read novel of 2021! The character growth and humor really draw the reader in, and the overall theme of female sexuality and freedom really made this story feel both relevant and innovative in the face of a history of male sexual oppression. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!”

-Anthony Avina

Author Q&A With Urban Book Reviews

Author Q&A With Urban Book Reviews

Q: What inspired you to create your latest work, Year of the What?

My novel Year of the What? was originally a solo show entitled Year of the Slut. When I first moved to Los Angeles a friend suggested I write myself a vehicle and invite talent agents, producers, directors and other film industry professionals to let them know I exist…and like in the movie “La La Land” no one from the industry showed up