New 5 STAR Review on Amazon and BookBub!

The Review I absolutely loved this novel! This coming-of-age, adult-oriented women’s fiction novel pushes the envelope in the best way possible. The narrative explores the theme of female sexuality and allowing readers to glimpse a much-needed story that shows women being free to explore their own sexuality freely without judgment that often overtakes our society’s view on women and sex. The balance of character development and humor is what really sells this novel’s story. The protagonist, Dana, is not only someone that a lot of readers can identify with, but her bond with her more free and sexual friend Kelly and the various men and women she meets throughout her sexual journey really felt both funny and relatable. The panic and fear that comes from not having had any sexual exploration before are felt early on in this novel, and the openness for which Dana frees herself to explore more really felt like a triumph that overcame the sexual judgment so many have placed on our society. The Verdict A masterful, sensual, and humorously entertaining read, author Jennifer Lieberman’s “Year of the What?”, is a must-read novel of 2021! The character growth and humor really draw the reader in, and the overall theme of female sexuality and freedom really made this story feel both relevant and innovative in the face of a history of male sexual oppression. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!